Troop 1601
Royal Oak Michigan
Chartered 1917
Serving the youth of Royal Oak for over 100 years
Chartered by Royal Oak First United Methodist Church
Mondays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
General disclaimer:
"Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up to date information for scouts, scouters, families, and the interested public about scouting activities. The Scouts and Leaders of Troop 1601 make no warranties, express or implied, or assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usefulness of any of the information contained herein. Suggestions, recommendations, or additional comments should be directed to the Troop 1601 Webmaster."
Disclaimers regarding hyperlinks:
"All hyperlinks to web sites not part of Troop 1601's website are provided for information purposes and are not endorsed by the Detroit Area Council. In some cases, the information provided may be out of date, misleading or incorrect. Should you have any concerns about the accuracy of the content, feel any links are inappropriate or to report broken links please direct them to the Troop 1601 Webmaster."