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Cub Scout Pack 53
(Mediapolis, Iowa)
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 Welcome to Pack


Mediapolis, Iowa

Pack 53 is part of the Mississippi Valley Council BSA and is chartered by the American Legion Daniel Matson Post #243. We typically have between 30 and 40 scouts, so as packs go, we are a medium size. 

Eligibility: Boys from Kindergarten through 5th grade are eligible to join Cub Scouts. For information on how to join Pack 53, please email our Cubmaster Ben Schmidgall.

Pack members who are logged in may access the secure site by clicking on the "Member Log In".  If you have not provided us with an email address, you do not currently have access to the private secure site.  For member access, please send your email address you would like to use for scouting reminders to For the safety of the scouts,  non-members of Pack 53, Mediapolis, IA will not be granted access to our private site.